I was going to write up a blog post explaining how I go from this:
To this, using Manga Studio EX 4:
But I decided against it. If you’re curious, let me know. I might put together a screencast that would walk through how I use vector layers, 8-bit layers, and 32-bit layers to create the backgrounds.
A little scene from, of course, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. If you like it, and would like to wear it as a t-shirt, you can vote for it at Shirt.Woot.
Here’s another test page I did for my aforementioned star-trek-but-not comic idea called “Flight of the Icarus.”
As an experiment, I colored the last panel too. I think I like the B&W (more manga-like) style better.
Oh, and this isn’t the comic I referred to in my last post, sorry – Although I will probably wind up making a minicomic, or two, of this concept. Eventually.