There’s a new Tactless Comic, “Touché” over at Be sure and check it out!
Also, for those of you who subscribe to the RSS feed, you’ll get the Tactless Comics feed too – for now anyway. If I wind up going too tactless I may separate them out. In the mean time, enjoy!
That’s right. I’ve been having so much fun creating them, that I thought I’d make it official! There will be new Tactless Comics at least twice a week (perhaps more – time will tell) at
Don’t worry. This won’t interfere with ZooDotCom. You’ll still be getting at least three updates (sketches or comics) a week here too.
This is an early look at the new site, so if you find any bugs, please let me know!
I was going to write up a blog post explaining how I go from this:
To this, using Manga Studio EX 4:
But I decided against it. If you’re curious, let me know. I might put together a screencast that would walk through how I use vector layers, 8-bit layers, and 32-bit layers to create the backgrounds.