Happy 100th!

So here we are, mid-way through ZdC's 100th strip celebration week! Yaaaay!

As you now know, I decided to put the gang on The Muppet Show. Why? Why not! I've always loved The Muppet Show. Also, I always felt like I could to a decent job of drawing them. As it turns out, it's not quite as easy to capture their essence as I thought (especially Kermit), but it's been a lot of fun trying!

I wonder why big entertainment companies (read D I S N E Y), or the like, don't invest in developing webcomics for their various properties? It seems like a fairly cheap and easy way to have new content that draws in repeat visitors. Then they could advertise their new movies, merch, whatever.

I know they used to publish comics in Disney Adventures. But that's been cancelled. I think they could just move it to the web. Have five different comics that each update once a week, or something like that.

And I'm not just saying this because I'd love to do a Muppets (or Ducktales) strip. *ahem*

That having been said, this ZooDotCom story arc is still going strong. Keep checking back this week as hilarity ensues!

Wed May 20, 2009   News

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