How It's Made

At some point, I'll go into detail on my creative process. Until then, here's an overview.

I plot out story-arcs as bullet points. Each bullet is one strip. Then, I'll script out each one. Here's an example from this week's strip.

Usually, I'll write the scripts for several weeks at a time.

Then, when I'm ready to start drawing, I'll open up Scribbles and start sketching. I'll loosely rough out the strip, like this:

For the finished inks and dialog I use Illustrator. I'll place the sketch, as a "template", on the bottom layer and start the inking process.

Finally, I use Illustrator's LivePaint to color it all in.

And now it's done. I export it as a PNG and update the website! All in all, it takes a little over 2 hours to complete one strip.

So there you go! That's a taste of How It's Made: ZooDotCom.

Tue Apr 15, 2008   News

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