Jumblaya! #1, a collection of some of my minicomics all bound up in a handy, iPad-ready*, ebook!
52 pages of weirdness and fun!
Update 5/12: I've put it up on Gumroad. Its recommended price is $1, but it's set up to allow you to pay whatever you want!
* You don't have to have an iPad to read it, anything that can display PDFs will work!
Underwhelmed Comic‘s own Sean McLean did some awesome Darkshore Dectives fan art last Friday. Be sure and check out the full version on his site.
Thanks Sean, it’s totally awesome!
And, as we’re on the topic of monster private dicks – ahem – I should mention those very same Darkshore Detectives will be back next week!
Oh, and for those curious, yes ZdC will be back then too!
Sorry, no new comic today. I’m taking the next week off to get the next couple of storylines squared away and a buffer started – weird, huh?
To tide you over, here’s a sneak peek of a new character coming in the next story:
Do you like a good comedy/fantasy/mystery webcomic? Have you never even heard of that before? No problem!
Check out my new webcomic Darkshore Detectives. It follows the misadventures of Orville (Ville) Owlbear, a Moonkin, and Piotr (Pete) Phaunos, a Satyr, as they try to become Darkshore’s first official private detectives! Which is a pain to do with all those questers running around doing stuff just for the “experience.”
Initially updating twice a week, it starts with an 8-page mini-comic I wrote for last month’s Monthly Mini-Comic Challenge, and will continue on in a 20+ page adventure.
I hope you check it out and enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it!