I illustrated the cover to this month’s ATPM (online) magazine. Check it out at: atpm.com
“You wanna play rough? OK! Say hello to my little friend!” Poor Voldemort. He didn’t know what he started.
New t-shirt available for purchase at redbubble!
There’s a new tactless comic:
Speaking of which, I moved the “Harry Potter” comic from ZdC over to Tactless Comics because it seems like a better fit. So don’t forget to check that site for updates too!
Website updates! Woohoo! OK, that might not excite you as much as it does me. But the updates’ve been long overdue, believe-you-me.
Smell that? ZooDotCom is now completely PHP-free. Smells much cleaner. Plus, the site should load much faster now too. So that’s all good. But if you find any broken links, please let me know!
“Great,” you say, “new website. Whoop-de-doo. What about some f$&k!n’ new comics up in this joint?!”
First of all, calm down… Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Second of all, yes! There will be new comics! There will be new short-story comics you can find at Inkwellian.com, as well as new mini-comics (from participating in MonthlyMinis.com). And, of course, new ZooDotCom comics as well! I’m not sure what the update schedule will look like yet, but there will be updates – of some kind – every week!
And to make sure you have a good feeling about all this, I’ll part with a sketch. This is from a test page of one of the short stories that will be available at Inkwellian.com, when it’s done.