Recently I asked you guys to fill out a poll to help me improve ZooDotCom. Here’s the low-down:
I’ll be continuing the color updates, twice a week. I’m not sure if I’ll stick to Monday and Thursday or not, but it’s working pretty well for now.
The preview in the RSS feed – as it is now – seems to be popular as well. So that stays too. However, I have added a form (over there on the right) for getting site updates in your inbox.
As far as extra content goes, screencasts were the most popular choice. Followed by general sketches and original comic scripts. So I’ll definitely start posting more sketches. And I have most of the scripts from the comics, I’ll start going back and adding them to the appropriate pages. Regarding screencasts, I’ve recorded the last couple strips I’ve done, but I’m not sure if I should post the whole long movie, or a time-lapse version. And suggestions?
I’m working on a couple of T-shirts now that I’ll be adding the (currently woefully empty) “Swag!” section. Also, I’m looking into offering signed prints of strips too. That should be fun. :-)
Thanks for all your feedback! Oh also, strip #75! At this rate we’ll be celebrating ZdC’s 100th this summer. w00t!
Oh yes, it's that I'm officially updating the comic twice a week starting... Now!
So I'm looking to add a few things to the site here and there, and I'd love to get your suggestions and/or feedback. Please take a few seconds to fill out this poll, it will help me make ZdC better!
Oh, and don't forget the fun news coming up on Friday...