Painda Sketch

Quick sketch of the Painda.


Tue Jan 27, 2009   News

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A Surprise Later

Friday, I'll have some fun news... Stay tuned!

Mon Jan 26, 2009   News

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ZdC Now Also on Arcana

Just a quick note: ZooDotCom is now being shown on Arcana's website too! While you're over there, check out the other webcomics they're publishing!

Tue Jan 20, 2009   News

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Pardon the Dust...

WordPress was driving me crazy! So I decided to start from scratch and write my own comic publishing tool. I call it Comicus Prime, or Comicus for short. I'll be releasing an official version soon, once I've squashed the bugs through the test run here.

With that in mind, things may be a bit odd for the next few days as I move everything over to Comicus. Thanks for bearing with me.

Fri Jan 16, 2009   News

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Luchadores of Evil!

If you were wondering why things have been a little slow around here, it's because I ran out of buffer and was spending a fair amount of time getting my application for the Evil League of Evil ready.

I'm happy to say my brothers and I got it done and submitted by the deadline. Here, check it out:

Luchadores of Evil on Vimeo.

I had originally planned on creating a short comic (8 pages or so) to release in conjunction with this video, but I ran out of time. Who knows though, maybe I'll get around to it later. :-)

It was a lot of fun creating the "Luchadores of Evil". So much fun, I'm tempted to create a new video each month, not necessarily about the Luchadores, but some kind of short film (no more than 10 minutes). It would be a good exercise in film making, if nothing else. But I'll definitely need to get a better camera.

Anyway, I'm getting back on track with ZdC now. Rebuilding the buffer. Expect things to return to order this week. And thanks for your patience. I'll try to keep the buffer alive so that any future movies, or other comics - which are returning, I promise - won't interrupt ZdC's schedule.

Sat Oct 18, 2008   News

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